The Mysterious Stillman Nature Center

It all began with my search for the sandhill cranes who were flying overhead in numbers I never recalled seeing before. I was so inspired to follow them that I went home from our family gathering and picked up all my photography equipment, hoping to capture a moment of either birds close up, or birds close by looking for food. Surely, with all of these birds flying so close, I was bound to find at least a few of them.

I thought the Crabtree Nature Center would be a surefire place to find them, so I hopped in my car and started the drive. But something made me turn on a street that I've never turned on before, and before long, I reached a sign that intrigued me.

I did my best to find the sandhill cranes that day, and missed my one photo opportunity - when a pair flew by my car.

I went home to see what I could find out about Stillman on the internet.

It turns out it's a local nature center I'd never heard of before, and it specializes in educating people and schoolchildren about birds of prey.

I promised myself I would find the time on a Sunday to go back and investigate.


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